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Logseq plugins

I develop plugins to enhance the overall user experience for Logseq, an open-source personal knowledge management system and note-taking application.

All Plugins

Copy Code

Downloads: Copy Code

Copy Code

Copy code from code blocks and inline code to your clipboard
Copy Code

Downloads: Helium


Float videos for an improved note-taking experience

Downloads: Logtero


Create pages for Zotero items using custom page titles and properties
Quick Add

Downloads: Quick Add

Quick Add

Add/duplicate blocks and insert current time w/ custom format using keyboard shortcuts
Tidy Blocks

Downloads: Tidy Blocks

Tidy Blocks

Remove empty blocks and extra whitespace and line breaks to keep blocks nice and tidy
Time Tracker

Downloads: Time Tracker

Time Tracker

Track time spent on tasks


Helium was featured on Logseq’s homepage.

Helium on Logseq's homepage

Helium has also been showcased by several Logseq community members: